This is my world and it's awesome


Sunday 13 June 2010

Thanks For The Memories

OK, emo elmo moment there. UGHH, I miss all my friends so much! My mom's on a trip to Sulawesi for a week and she had to leave last night at 4 AM! Wahh....!

Memories of 6th grade..... Good times. :) Here's a list of good things that happened to me this year:

1) Becoming BFF's with R, because she's on my bus and in my Spanish class.

2) Becoming BFF's with Y, because mine and her dad work in the same company.

3) Joining the group and leaving the losers (I'm sorry not to be mean, but they are. They don't even talk during lunch) Best thing I ever did!!!

4) Becoming really close friends with everyone in the group, A (when she joined the group), AL, B, H, K, LI, N, SA (later on when she joined the group) and V. AND also M. BEFORE WE KICKED HER OUT. BITCH.

5) Met the twins, D and N, became really close with D, because she was in my Health and PE class.

6) Met Holly and Hanna!!! Had Visual Exploration with them and B.

7) Went to Bogor during ESP! Was in the same group as B and A and got to spend a lot of time with them.

8) Was in the Dance Show with Y, V and AL. So fun!! Was in Lyrical and Hip Hop. :)

9) Went to a lot of b-day parties and T's dance this year! Thanks for inviting me guys!!

10) Became close to AL, because she cheers me up when I feel sad or un-hyper with her hilarious ways. :D

11) Became friends with LI and K. Thanks being cool and funny!

12) A bear, thanks for being random!

13) Had my b-day party in November! Was funnnn.

14) Had A LOT more friends than last year. BAD memories from last year. Looonngg story.

15) Expanded my creativity (dancing, art)

16) Became friends with guys (T, I, P, NI, D) You guys are awesome!

I'll post the bad things from 6th grade next time!

I wanna SHOUT OUT!!! to all my friends by the trash can (next to the table where we sat at lunch and break :D) !!! Thanks SO MUCH YOU GUYS!!! Thanks for being there when I needed you and for being funny and awesome. LOVE YA!!! <3

ttyl, see ya tomorrow!! :) Bye!!

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