This is my world and it's awesome


Tuesday 29 June 2010

Where The Raindrops Fall

Ok, so here's what I've been up to today. After lunch me and my mom went to the grocery to buy food. I got so bored while waiting for her to get stuff (because she told me to stay put in one spot) I just texted Y the whole time. She was with S and Ali ice skating. I wanna go ice skating!!! I've never tried. Ever. :P Y told me that Ali had to go home early because she felt sick and when she went home in her car she puked then took a nap and felt much better. AWWW, that means she can't come with us tomorrow!!! :(

So after food shopping, we went downstairs to have my glasses fixed in a glasses store. They broke when I was in Bali. Failll. There was apparently something wrong with the spring in the arm so I can't bend it the other way anymore. And while we were in the grocery it was raining really hard, I could here the raindrops banging on the roof. It was FREEZING in the car on the way back. *brr* Shiverzz.

And a while ago in my room, I had this PLAN to stick a cork board on my closet door with double sided tape, put push pins in them and hang necklaces and stuff there. I did and it stayed put while I was cleaning a closet out, the one where I put all my junk and travel bags that aren't mine. Guess what?! The cork boards top half came off the tape and I had to take it down. UGHHH. FAIL. And I had to scrape off this sticky white stuff off of the door that came from the back of the tape. It took me 20 minutes and my thumb still hurts from rubbing it off. Failage. Now the cork board (and the necklaces are still hanging from them) is just sitting on my other table. I don't know what to do with it. :P Stupid crap company that makes double sided tape. DAMN YOU!

So that's pretty much what I did today. So bored sometimes.... :(

Toy Story 3!!! Woot woot! :) Buh-bye!

Woah, this post is SHORT.

Monday 28 June 2010

I'm Living In The Sky With Diamonds

Not really but yeah. :) It's a song. Yo kiwi! I'm gonna make a list of recent songs I've heard or I like, cos I keep a list of them in mah phone. I'm AWESOME. Cool beans!!

THE LIST (dan dan dan!) of SONGS (Y I'm not copying you, I've been wanting to do this in a while. Been putting it off. Credits to A because it's thanks to her I heard of some of these songs)


1) If I Had You, by Adam Lambert (the music vid is COOL BEANZ)
2) Living In The Sky With Diamonds, by Cobra Starship (the name is already rad to start with)
3) Riding Solo, by Jason Derulo (really catchy)]
4) Rollin, by Limp Bizkit (awesome song)
5) Never Say Never, by Justin Bieber ft. Jaden Smith (OMG, Jaden and JB!! So HOT)
6) Cooler Than Me, Mike Posner
7) Double Vision, by 3OH!3 (I mean, it's 3OH!3 for crying out loud. Need I say more?)
8) Round And Round, by Selena Gomez (music vid is awesome and the song's really catchy)
9) Somebody to Love, by Justin Bieber (the remix video with Usher is so WOW. He dances really well)
10) Commander, by Kelly Rowland ft. David Guetta :D
11) Make Me Wanna Die, by Taylor Momsen (emo but COOL)

So there it is. It's out there for the world to see. Knock yo'self out dawgs. :)

Gonna have piano lessons probably sometime this week or next week. I really wanna learn but everyone says it's really hard and boring so I want lessons but I also DON'T want lessons. I'm frickin crazzy! Emo elmo bonkers! JKJK.

Toy Story 3! Weeee.

Gonna put pics of some of the singers from the list.


Selena Gomez

Cobra Starship <3

Adam Lambert (you are awesome potatoes)

JustinBieber.jpg image by babygl101
OHMYGOD, Justin Bieber, how hot can you get? *squeal* JKJK :P

Kaykay lahh? Adios, mi amigos! Ttyl!

Saturday 26 June 2010

I Belong to the Night

The name of this post is so Emo ELMO!!! It's from the song Make Me Wanna Die, by The Pretty Reckless. Love the song and the music vid!!! <3> Taylor Momsen (lead singer) is really pretty in this emo-punk way. And her eyes!! She puts on so much dark eye shadow but she can pull it off. Work it! Here's an excerpt of the song:

Take me, I'm alive, never was a girl with a wicked mind
But everything looks better, when the sun goes down
I had everything, opportunities for eternity and I could belong to the night
Your eyes, your eyes, I can see in your eyes, your eyes

You make me wanna die
I'll never be good enough
You make me wanna die
And everything you love, right up in the light
Every time I look inside your eyes
Make me wanna die

The lyrics are so DARK and CREEPY though, like she's a vampire. OOOHH. :)

293d06a.png the pretty reckless image by 123tina2

So before I started writing this post I was fixing up my iTunes, putting album art for the songs and tweaking things. I know. I'm kinda of a neat freak. :P


Y is coming back from Jogja today.

AWESOME NEWS, RIGHT??? JKJK. Not much happening, ugh.

So V, can you come with us on Wednesday? Don't know the details yet, though. Gotta ask Y.

New Songs I've heard:

Love The Way You Lie, by Rihanna ft. Eminem (it's good!!!)

Have you guys noticed that Kesha like dudes with BEARDS? Ew. Watch her music vid Your Love Is My Drug and you'll understand. Psh. Beards?? Weirdooo.

That's all for today, nothing much to blog about.... :(


Round And Round

Hey!!! Just got back from Bali earlier this morning! I went to Waterbom!!! It was SOO friken fun and I went on nearly every slide in the park! I went on the newest and scariest slide in the park, which is called Climax. You had to be tall enough and had to weigh at least 40 kg to go on it. Me and my dad went on it. We climbed this really high tower where you could see the whole park and it was windy so we were COLD and NERVOUS!!! So this is how the slide works: You get in a tiny little room at the top of the slide and the guy presses a button and a trap door opens at your feet in you FREE FALL down!!! Then you wooshh upwards (my mom was wondering how you even do that) and go in a twist then go down and end in a straight part at the end of the slide. IT'S SO SCARY WHEN YOU FALL DOWN!!! I didn't even have time to scream because it was all so fast. The slide is actually really short but I heard a lot of GROWN UPS saying they were scared SHIT-LESS.

Ok. the pic is probs just a model of the slide, cos it kinda looks the same but the tower and the little room at the top don't look the same.

I also went on this really scary slide where you sort of free fall too, except its not closed and the slide is just really steep. I felt like I was gonna fly off of it!!! So scary!!! I got a wedgie at the bottom because of all the water splashing under me!!

Some of the other slides you gotta go on this inflatable raft thing with holes that you sit on it's fun!!!
News Updates:
Y and V are in Jogja! Y told me they saw each other in Borobodur.
Songs stuck in my head:
Rollin, by Limp Bizkit (credits to Ali for posting it in her blog, then I watched the vid on YouTube!)
Round and Round, by Selena Gomez (so good!)
Commander, by Kelly Rowland (the music vid's awesome!)
Down To Earth, by Justin Bieber (JB!!! I have OBD!!! Obssesive Bieber Disorder!!!)
Gonna watch Toy Story 3 with Ali and Y on Wednesday!! V might come!!! Yayyayay!

Gotta go, bye!!! ttyl, dawgs! :)

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Get Outta Your Mind!

Wasup Blog land and all it's cheese loving inhabitants! JKJK, being random. So, in Bali right now!!! Here's the lowdown on what I've been up to these past few days when I haven't been blogging:

THE LIST (dan dan dan!!! creepy music)

1) Arrived here on Monday at around 10-ish
2) Got to the hotel
3) For the rest of the day didn't do much, my fam just slept the whole afternoon after eating lunch.

4) THE NEXT DAY!!! (yesterday) Went to Bali Treetops! It was up in the mountains so it took us 2 hours to get there. Kinda cold but the air was nice. :) So, me and my dad went up (my mom and bro didn't want to) First we had to pick what color we were gonna do (you pick a color according to the difficulty you want the course to be) Then we had to do a demo and learn how to use the carabinas and the other thingy. Cos up there no one hooks you to the cables, you gotta do it yourself, there's just marks in red where you put the carabinas.

After the demo we did BLUE, and it was so freakkkyyy! There were all these balances and stuff that I felt like I was almost gonna fall off and it was high up in the trees. There was this rope bridge with no sides, flying foxes, these swings thingies that you had to go from one to the other and you were swinging up in the air.... and another thing like a balancing rope, but it's made outta wire and you hold on to another rope above you and also spider nets. SCARY. And you couldn't just get down and quit the course you have to finish EVERYTHING. OHHH. Suck it.

When me and my dad were done with blue, he didn't do anymore and I did Black, the HARDEST. For this one you could choose to do only a part of it, because the part where you could finish was the TARZAN SWING. And I did it. It was so scary!!! And fun!!! I was up on a really high platform in the tree and I hold on to this long rope and JUMP OFF and swing in the air and try to grab the spider net far away!!! I grabbed it but I couldn't hold on so I kept swinging and swinging. It was COOL BEANS. :) If you ever go to Bali, DO GO THERE. It's in the Botanical Gardens, it's really pretty there.

5) TODAY, went to the beach! Right in the resort. Me and my mom went swimming in the sea and the waves where so strong and we were messing around and trying to jump over the waves and ride them to the shore. SO fun cos the waves were really high sometimes.

6) Have you noticed this list is really long??? This soo has nothing to do with Bali, just an observation.... :P

Gonna watch Toy Story 3 with Y and Ali on Wednesday!!! Yayyyy. :)

Ali made a blog too!! Thx H, for inspiring us. SHOUT OUT!!! ;)

If you LOVE Justin Bieber, so do me, Y an Ali. CONNECTION!!!! JOIN THE CLUBBB. :D


Y, it was me who told you bout Make Me Wanna Die, not Ali!!! Anyway, sorry bout the Buzz thing was JK around with H2. !!!!

Peace Out and HAKAS!!! Bye mah home dawgs! Gonna blog when I can.


FYI, frozen monkeys rule the world. So there.

Sunday 20 June 2010

Get Ready Cos Here I Come!!!

Finished packing a while ago, thank god that's out of the way. Tomorrow I have to leave my house at 4:30 AM to go to the airport!!! That means I have to sleep early, wahhh. -_-" My mom said I can't post any pics with me and my family in it because she said it will be obvious who I am and I might get "stalkers". Which is actually true. :( I hate stalkers, they freak me out and they are sick weirdos. But I'll probably take a pic of the beach with no one in the pic and post that. XD

News Updates:

B's moving to Saudi Arabia not Syria. But I'm gonna miss her as much. :( YOUTUBE and Facebook are banned there!!! OMG. I can't survive without YouTube. It's like eating a sandwhich without bread! Except the sandwhich is the internet.

V came back from Lombok! She's going to Jogja on the same day as Y.

Current Fave Music:

So Happy I Could Die, by Lady Gaga (really catchy)
Hello Fascination, by Breathe Carolina (I LOVE THIS SONG!!! It's so addicting! Part rock, part pop!)
Heaven, by Cheryl Cole ft. Will.I.Am (So GOOD!)
Outta My Head (Ay Ya Ya), by Ashlee Simpson (I can't get it outta my head!! :))

Song Lyrics excerpt of the day:

Hello Fascination, by Breathe Carolina

Here's to you, glorify my darlings
Are you satisfied?
Here's to you, criticize my darlings
Are you satisfied?

You're buildin' me up just to break me down
You're being loud without a sound
You paste me in just to cut me out
Hello fascination

Listen to the songs it's COOL BEANS. :D

Current status:

Sitting at my desk, typing away, the AC in my room isn't on and I just had dinner. Had a normal Sunday.

Bali here I come!!! Gonna go to Bali Treetops, go parasailing, jet-skiing (SOO FUN!!!), shopping, swimming in the sea and pool, site-seeing (maybe) and just plain CHILLIN'. :) Izz gonna beee funn!!


Y, why don't me, you and Ali go watch Toy Story 3 in the movies when I come back from Bali and you come back from Jogja??!!! I wanna watch it as much as you!!! So ya!

Adios, mi amigos!! See ya all soon! Buh-bye! :)

Friday 18 June 2010

I'm Walking On Sunshine

Yes!! It's such a nice day today and it's so sunny!! Which explains the title of this post. In a while I'm gonna go jump into the pool again so I'm not gonna blog for too long. I think my moms is coming back from Sulawesi today. And the me, my dad and my bro are gonna eat lunch out, not sure where probably in one of the billion malls that Jtown has to offer.

So as Y said in her blog, she's not to talk about me that much anymore (well you can talk about me as long as what you write doesn't piss me off, sorry) because I 'back-talk' her here in MY blog. Tee hee.

A's back from America!! She texted me an hour ago asking if I was still here. Yayyyy!!! Me and Y are not alone anymore!

Y was right, 3OH!3's song "Double Vision" is SOOO freakin good! I also like their song "Don't Trust Me" it's kinda perverted but funny and it's really easy to memorise the lyrics. Listen to it in YouTube!! :P

Bali next week! So excited.....!

PEACE OUT!! Love u all! <3

Don't Change Me

BREAKING NEWS. B's MOVING!!!! To Syria or some other country in the Middle East, and I found out yesterday! R told me, she heard from Y (thanks a lot Y for telling me ~SARCASM~) I'm gonna miss B soo much!!! We all knew that she might move but then she said she's staying until 10th grade. Guess not. She was my PE bud, my Visual Exploration bud and MY FRIEND. While me and Y were texting I was so sad that B was moving I said that her dad was 'cruel' for moving the family out of Jtown while they were vacationing in Syria and not give them a chance to even come back here and say good-bye properly. Then Y goes all ape-shit on me and in her blog she writes all the definitions of cruel. JEEZUS. Chill OUT. God.

So SHOUT OUT to B!!! Good-bye my red-haired friend, we're all gonna miss you sooo much!! You were an awesome friend and you were funny and random. Visit us soon here in Jtown!!

Going to Bali next week!! Here's a list of what I'm gonna do there:

1) Go to Bali Treetops, this place with high ropes and Flying Foxes and things like that up in the trees, just like in Adventure Based in ESP. So excited!!!

2) Swim and chill out on the beach

3) Go shopping! :) Gonna convince my mom to take me to Billabong and Body & Soul.

4) Just have a fun time there because I'M FINALLY GETTING OUT OF THE HOUSE!

I'm probably gonna go to Jogja, sometime in July. My mom insists on going to Borobudur (this very old and tall temple that's been named a Heritage Site) She actually want's to CLIMB it. I don't know.....

If you're wondering why I called this post "Don't Change Me" it's because of the thing with Y and because it's from the lyrics of "Can't Be Tamed", by Miley Cyrus. Her songs are actually pretty good, I don't know why a lot of people in school hate her. Or PRETEND to. Hmmm......

Anyway, so you guys, COMMENT ON MY POSTS!!! I feel so alone here!! :P

HAKAS!!! (Have A Kick-Ass Summer) Peace Out and ttyl, mah friends!! <3

Wednesday 16 June 2010

All Summer Long....

Finally! It's sunny today. But not that much. Anyway, I'm going swimming in the pool in a while! So to get prepped up right now I'm listening to the summer song California Girls! Here are some of the lyrics:
I know a place
Where the grass is really greener
Warm, wet and wild
There must be something in the water
Sippin' gin and juice
Laying underneath the palm trees (undone)
The boys
Break their necks
Try'na creep a little peek (at us)
The songs like on top of the charts! I love it!! So guys, like what R said, post pics of your summer vacays on your blogs! When I come back from Bali next week I'm gonna. Ok another sudden urge:
I have the sudden urge to cannon ball into my pool. Like right now.
I should go... Sudden urges should be taken care of IMMEDIATLY. Or else things can go wronngggg.... Remember when I had a sudden urge to eat gummy worms?? And I didn't have any at home? I had like, CANDY DEPRESSION. So yeah, gotta go jump in the pool. RIGHT NOW. :)

SHOUT OUT TO R!!! She's going to Japan later! Gonna miss u! Have an awesome time!
Have a kick ass summer guys!!!! :D
Peace out, ttyl!

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Rain, rain GO AWAY!!!

This morning my dad finally said I should go swimming (even though I still had my DAMN COUGH) but guess what?? IT'S BEEN RAINING THE WHOLE FRICKING DAY. Right now, as I stare out of my bedroom windo (how dramatic is that?!) water drips from the sky as if heaven is crying over the bad summer weather. WELL GUESS WHAT HEAVEN? YOU'RE THE ONE MAKING THE BAD WEATHER!!!!! Ok, calm down Nicole. Calm. ~Breathe in. Breathe out~

It's actually kinda cold inside the house. And the AC isn't even on. Status: Frozen feet. :) So what have I been up to today? Just had a late breakfst because after I woke up I couldn't stand it anymore, I HAD to organize my stuff. Like all my 6th grade notebooks and junk on my desk, in my drawers and in my backpack. I'm not exactly done though, just did most of it. Still have to do my top drawer.

I'M GOIN NUTS. I haven't been doing anything these days (look at previous post) Wahhhh. I've gone EMO ELMO BONKERS. :(

So tell me about your vaacation, guys! Comment or something, I feel alone and cut out from the world. Depressioooonnn. ~Sigh~.

ttyl guys, see ya tomorrow. I FEEL SO ALONNNNE! :(

Wow, this is like my shortest post ever!! Record.

Make Me Wanna Die!!!!

I'm DYING here at home!!! I'm so frickinggg BORED!!!! I haven't been out of the house in 2 days! Not even out by the pool, because I still have my damn cold. Ughh! This is pretty much what I've been doing EVERYDAY for the past weeks:

1. Wake up
2. Go outside of my room and read for a while
3. Eat breakfast
4. Either update this blog, read some more or watch tv
5. Eat lunch
6. Repeat no. 4
7. Have dinner
8. Go to my parents room to watch a dvd.
9. Go to sleep late

My life is SHIT (at the moment). I mean, I can't even go to the mall because my mom is in Sulawesi and my dad is at work. And I'm not allowed to go to the mall by myself. Then I have to look after my bro. Thank god I'm going to Bali next week.

Let's move on to a better topic. I'm watching the reality show Running On Heels on E! on tv, while typing up this post. I wanna go watch Karate Kid in the movies!!! Or even Eclipse when it comes out. I HATE New Moon though. Sooo GAY. Werewolves with tatoos saying emotional things like:

"Bella. I will protect you until my heart stops beating."

Seriously. I laughed my guts out when Taylor Lautner (HOT) said that. :P

Fave song right now: Make Me Wanna Die, by The Pretty Reckless (Taylor Momsen, actress from Gossip Girl, is the lead singer) and California Girls, by Katy Perry ft. Snoop Dog. SO GOOD. :D

When I come back from Bali, I'm gonna try to put pics from the trip. YAY, I'M GETTING OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!

Suck on THAT! Jkjkjk!!!

See u tomorrow, mah friends! <3

Sunday 13 June 2010

Thanks For The Memories

OK, emo elmo moment there. UGHH, I miss all my friends so much! My mom's on a trip to Sulawesi for a week and she had to leave last night at 4 AM! Wahh....!

Memories of 6th grade..... Good times. :) Here's a list of good things that happened to me this year:

1) Becoming BFF's with R, because she's on my bus and in my Spanish class.

2) Becoming BFF's with Y, because mine and her dad work in the same company.

3) Joining the group and leaving the losers (I'm sorry not to be mean, but they are. They don't even talk during lunch) Best thing I ever did!!!

4) Becoming really close friends with everyone in the group, A (when she joined the group), AL, B, H, K, LI, N, SA (later on when she joined the group) and V. AND also M. BEFORE WE KICKED HER OUT. BITCH.

5) Met the twins, D and N, became really close with D, because she was in my Health and PE class.

6) Met Holly and Hanna!!! Had Visual Exploration with them and B.

7) Went to Bogor during ESP! Was in the same group as B and A and got to spend a lot of time with them.

8) Was in the Dance Show with Y, V and AL. So fun!! Was in Lyrical and Hip Hop. :)

9) Went to a lot of b-day parties and T's dance this year! Thanks for inviting me guys!!

10) Became close to AL, because she cheers me up when I feel sad or un-hyper with her hilarious ways. :D

11) Became friends with LI and K. Thanks being cool and funny!

12) A bear, thanks for being random!

13) Had my b-day party in November! Was funnnn.

14) Had A LOT more friends than last year. BAD memories from last year. Looonngg story.

15) Expanded my creativity (dancing, art)

16) Became friends with guys (T, I, P, NI, D) You guys are awesome!

I'll post the bad things from 6th grade next time!

I wanna SHOUT OUT!!! to all my friends by the trash can (next to the table where we sat at lunch and break :D) !!! Thanks SO MUCH YOU GUYS!!! Thanks for being there when I needed you and for being funny and awesome. LOVE YA!!! <3

ttyl, see ya tomorrow!! :) Bye!!

Somebody To Love

I don't know who to like!!! Should I still like Button, because I'm not so sure anymore. He used to be so nice and funny, now he's always acting like a jerk and he PISSES ME OFF. He's still funny and all but when I text him, he replies to me like he's telling a hobo in the street to piss off or like he doesn't give a damn about what he says to me. UGHHH!!! >:( There's this song I really like called Somebody To Love, by Leighton Meester, and just look at the lyrics! She can totally relate to my problems right now. Here's an excerpt of the song:

Is there somebody who still believes in love?
I know you're out there
There's got to be somebody, I search around the world
But I can't seem to find somebody to love

I'm not acting dramatic and all but I DON'T KNOW WHO TO LIKE!!

Ok, so those are my current problems. Let's talk about my day, shall we?? :)

1) After me and my bro and mom left the house, we went to pick up my dad at the airport.
2) Straight after we picked up my dad, we went to church.
3) The homily was soooo long ( HALF AN HOUR) and boring, and the church was crowded so me and my dad ended up sitting on plastic chairs. I fell asleep, and I only woke up when I thought I heard the priest say the F word. :D Lol. My family thought he said it too.

4) Had lunch in an awesome Asian restaurant called Seribu Rasa.

5) Went to Ratu Plaza to buy some electronic stuff.
6) Went to Carrefour to go to the grocey.

Normal Sunday. Except for going to the airport.

R's going to Japan tomorrow!! For summer! Leaving me here. She made her own blog!! Good job. Blogging's awesome. :)

V's in Lombok! She left today. She texted me and said that it wasn't sunny. I hope when I go to Bali there's good weather!!!
Dad just ordered from KFC for dinner, it should be coming in a while.... yum!
SO, what can I do the whole summer when I'm not in Bali and Jogja??? In July I'm supposed to take my first ever piano lessons. I really wanna learn how to play the drums!
Hell, things will just work out the way they usually do. :)
Ttyl, see u guys tomorrow. :) Bye-bye!

Saturday 12 June 2010

Just Busta Move

Haha, I wish. Here at home I'm soo bored. Last night this seriously scary movie called "The Unborn" was on tv, and after watching the first 3 minutes, I turned my back to the tv and listened to my iPod for 2 hours straight, while my mom told me really gross things happening in the movie. (Shudder) I stayed up until midnight playing this game on my phone after the movie. Then a while after that I went to sleep trying to forget that movie. I mean, I turned around and looked at the tv a few times, and trust me, you never wanna see that movie, I saw some pretty horrible things. The director has a SICK mind. Do you know how much I HATE horror movies?! My parents LOVE them. :

So moving on to un-scary things, I went shopping yesterday in PIM. I love shopping... :) Bought a few shirts and shorts.


I saw V walking out of Pizza Hut with her mom and sister! I was waiting for my mom to buy my bro his chocolate ice cream. Me and V had a pretty awkward conversation (cos we haven't seen each other in a while, SORRY V!!) then she had to go.

After we went shopping, when we were waiting for my driver to pick us up at the exit, I saw my friend Ria (can't call her R because then it would be too confusing, with so many diff names with same letter) She's a year younger than me and she's awesome. But she's moving!! She's been here for a really long time. And yesterday was her last day she was just in the mall to watch a movie. Gonna miss her. :( SHOUT OUT TO RIA!! Have fun in Switzerland.

I STILL have my cough. Damn! :

Have nothing else to write so SEE YA!!! G2G have dinner ( wow, it's only 6:10 so early!) ttyl , <3>

Thursday 10 June 2010

Forgiveness and Prank Calls

Yesterday I went to Y's house for 2nd time in a row. R and L came too and we all slept over. R went in my car to Y's house. Turns out she ran out of pulsa so she couldn't text me back. So THAT'S why. She always runs out of pulsa!!! She can burn through 100 thou in like 3 days! WOW. I can make that last for 3 months. :) And maybe the ignoring was just like that few days in school. I don't know!! ;) I forgive her. :)

So wat we did in Y's house:

  • Omegle. Chatted with random weirdos. Pretended to be 25 and 17 yr olds from Miami, LA and Uk. End of story. (Or not. Ask Y, R or L to tell you)
  • Facebook: Chatted with people. Something else happend, which is L dating a guy. Can't tell who... :) Ooh you don't the whole story..... ;)
  • Took soooo many pics on my laptop. R kept pressing the button!! So funny. I was freaking out.
  • L kept 'accidently' calling people when she went on my phone. SORRY V!!! It wasn't me who called you at 2:30 AM!!!!

It's morning right now and I just came back from Y's house less than an hour ago. Had to leave at 9:30 because Y said they had to go to church and the bug exterminator was coming. Turns out we could have stayed longer at her house because her mom cancelled the exterminator.... :)

Forgot to mention SORRY, I couldn't post yesterday because I had to leave my laptop at Y's house so she could transfer songs into it from her computer. Right now I'm listening to Shooting Star, by David Rush ft. LMFAO and Pitbull. Such a good song!!!

Since today is Friday, HAVE AN AWESOME WEEK END GUYS!!! :D

Ttyl, see u tomorrow!

Wednesday 9 June 2010

Na na na na na, Can't Touch This!

So right now, at this very moment, I'm in Y's house. She's putting songs in my iPod, something I can't do myself. :P

If you're wondering why I called this post Can't Touch This, it's because I just remembered that the touch rugby club in school has a t-shirt that says that. How cheesy. Absolutely cheddar-y. :)

Current Status in my life: I'm on Y's giant Mac, Y is beside me playing this weird game o her iTouch called Rolando and her Mac is transferring all her songs into y laptop. Pretty cool...

Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like ME? Jkjkjk. And that's assuming you have a girlfriend. :) SOO sorry, I'm just being randommm. :D

This blog is my Summer Project!! I have something to do now everyday when I'm in JTown.

So what have we been up to here? On Facebook chatting with Vik, on Omegle chatting with strangers. So funny! There was this guy who was like 13 who lived in South Carolina and we both like gummy worms. Mr. Gummy Worm= his name is Alex. We said that we were eating Gummy Worms, which started the whole conversation about g.w. Told him to buy his won gummies in the local 7 11. We found out later that it was 4 in the morning. :) Shouldn't we know since we live in NORTH Carolina?? *wink nudge wink nudge* :)

ttyl, have to go do something on iTunes! :) toodles!

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Shout Outs and Gummy Worms

I have to confess. I can't keep it in any longer. Ok, here goes.

I have a craving for gummy worms.

There! I said it! I feel so much better with that off my back. ;) Moving on....

Do you ever get the feeling that one of your best friends is ignoring you?? Cos right now I do. No, I'm not talking about V, H or Y. I'm talking about R. She hasn't been texting me back, talks to me less even though for the past year we've been buds all the way.

What happened??

Now she ignores me and is always on her stupid Blackberry. What happened to friendship? But I just don't get her. Right now she's on vacation abroad and she promised that she'd get me stuff from Disneyland when she goes there. I thought she was ignoring me?? Ignoring my high 5's? Whatever. So confused. I hope in 7th grade she's back to normal. :

Speaking of friends, let's talk about H. Here are the facts:

  • She moved away last February

  • She has an awesome blog, so good that she was the one who inspired me to make my own.

  • She's soo funny!! She makes up her own words like 'confuzzled' :)

So SHOUT OUT TO H!!! Thanks for being an awesome friend.

Another SHOUT OUT to the OTHER H. She's leaving JTown FOREVER tomorrow! She's moving!!! I'll miss you!!

SHOUT OUT to V, my summer bud! She's the only one not leaving me here in the country and jetting off abroad! But she is also going to the beach.

SHOUT OUT to Y for being my awesome Skype bud.

Love ya guys!! :D

ttyl, mah home dawgs (ok lameeee impersonation of 90's rappers, sorry)

Skype chat with Y: The aliens are coming!!!

[6/8/10 5:55:52 PM] Nicole: THE ALIENS R COMING!!!
[6/8/10 5:56:00 PM] Nicole: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[6/8/10 5:56:10 PM] Yzzie : AARRRGHHH!!!
[6/8/10 5:56:13 PM] Yzzie : no place to hide!!!!
[6/8/10 5:56:15 PM] Yzzie : NOOO
[6/8/10 5:56:23 PM] Yzzie : im being abducteedddd
[6/8/10 5:56:24 PM] Yzzie : dekufgeurf
[6/8/10 5:56:26 PM] Nicole : MISSSION ABORRRRT!!!
[6/8/10 5:56:33 PM] Nicole : run away!!!!
[6/8/10 5:56:47 PM] Yzzie : noo. .heyve got mee!!!!
[6/8/10 5:56:58 PM] Nicole : i cant look!
[6/8/10 5:57:06 PM] Yzzie : why
[6/8/10 5:57:12 PM] Nicole : they're chomping ur guts out!!!
[6/8/10 5:57:29 PM] Yzzie : ew wtf
[6/8/10 5:57:31 PM] Yzzie : haha
[6/8/10 5:57:34 PM] Nicole : AHHH!! theyre coming for me!!!
[6/8/10 5:57:41 PM] Nicole : (pi)
[6/8/10 5:57:47 PM] Yzzie : nooo!!!
[6/8/10 5:57:57 PM] Yzzie : cool! im still alive!!!
[6/8/10 5:58:21 PM] Nicole : omg!! his breath smells like lemon MENTOS!!
[6/8/10 5:58:34 PM] Nicole : wat has happened to this wooorrrrllddd???
[6/8/10 5:58:44 PM] Nicole : NOOOOOO!!!!
[6/8/10 5:58:54 PM] Yzzie : noooo!!!!
[6/8/10 5:58:59 PM] Yzzie : stay alive nicole!!!!!!!!!!
[6/8/10 5:59:02 PM] Nicole : save urself...
[6/8/10 5:59:03 PM] Yzzie : aarrrggghh!!!
[6/8/10 5:59:06 PM] Yzzie : i am
[6/8/10 5:59:11 PM] Nicole : dying....
[6/8/10 5:59:16 PM] Yzzie : im still alive after they got my guts out
[6/8/10 5:59:19 PM] Yzzie : noo!
[6/8/10 5:59:35 PM] Yzzie : inject yourself with your self invincibility injector!!
[6/8/10 5:59:53 PM] Nicole : waaa?? but i thought we ran out yesterday?
[6/8/10 6:00:07 PM] Yzzie : really?
[6/8/10 6:00:09 PM] Nicole : when the glorbaskum attacked mr. jingles!!
[6/8/10 6:00:11 PM] Yzzie : omg we did??
[6/8/10 6:00:15 PM] Yzzie : no!!1
[6/8/10 6:00:24 PM] Yzzie : what about your bubble ray?
[6/8/10 6:00:33 PM] Nicole : out of juice!!!
[6/8/10 6:00:55 PM] Nicole : i knw the answer! its e=mc 2!!!
[6/8/10 6:01:03 PM] Nicole : use ur brain!!!
[6/8/10 6:01:56 PM] Yzzie : just the syringe and get juice from your brain then put it in the bubble ray
[6/8/10 6:01:56 PM] Yzzie : !
[6/8/10 6:02:04 PM] Yzzie : it'll protect you from the alienss!!!
[6/8/10 6:02:45 PM] Nicole : yess!!!
[6/8/10 6:02:58 PM] Yzzie : what happenned?
[6/8/10 6:03:06 PM] Nicole : POW!!! take that jambayumma!!
[6/8/10 6:03:16 PM] Nicole : DIE!!!!
[6/8/10 6:03:33 PM] Yzzie : is it working???
[6/8/10 6:03:42 PM] Nicole : think einstein!!! use the brain juice!!!
[6/8/10 6:03:48 PM] Nicole : IT WORKS!!!
[6/8/10 6:03:52 PM] Yzzie : my names einstein?
[6/8/10 6:03:54 PM] Yzzie : YAAAYYY!!!!!
[6/8/10 6:04:05 PM] Nicole : noo thk LIKE einstien
[6/8/10 6:04:10 PM] Yzzie : the aliens here think im dead so they left. stupid aliens
[6/8/10 6:04:17 PM] Yzzie : oh. i so knew that
[6/8/10 6:04:24 PM] Nicole : yahhhh :D
[6/8/10 6:04:28 PM] Nicole : mines dead
[6/8/10 6:04:35 PM] Nicole : lying in the corner
[6/8/10 6:04:36 PM] Nicole : hehe
[6/8/10 6:04:48 PM] Yzzie : yaaayy!!! long live the people of the worldd!!!!
[6/8/10 6:04:49 PM] Yzzie : hahaha
[6/8/10 6:04:50 PM] Nicole : I HAVE DEFEATED THEM!!!
[6/8/10 6:05:01 PM] Nicole : down with the jummbayyya!!
[6/8/10 6:05:11 PM] Yzzie : we have defeated the army of jummbayya!!!!!
[6/8/10 6:05:21 PM] Nicole : YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[6/8/10 6:05:56 PM] Nicole : i'm fine i just don't have a few toes
[6/8/10 6:05:58 PM] Yzzie : goooglee!!!!! hahahaha jkjkjk i mean yaaaayyyy!!!
[6/8/10 6:06:11 PM] Yzzie : ya same here except i dont have guts
[6/8/10 6:06:23 PM] Nicole : hehe mutilated buddies
[6/8/10 6:06:29 PM] Nicole : hi 5!
[6/8/10 6:06:48 PM] Nicole : (flex) fire power
[6/8/10 6:07:10 PM] Nicole : (bow)
[6/8/10 6:07:27 PM] Yzzie : hi-fivee!!!!
[6/8/10 6:07:28 PM] Yzzie : haha


Just kidding! Me and Y were just skyping and i blurted out loud in the chat that the ALIENS ARE ATTACKING!! We ended up pretending that we were being eaten by Jummbaya's with lemon mentos breath. :D It was so funny. FYI, I'm not a dork!!! I just say really randommmm stuff!!

This is my 2nd post of the day, which goes to show how much I like blogging. Here's a list of things on my mind (you should also know, I Love making lists!)


2) It's Day 4 of the summer vacation.

3) In a matter of 2-3 weeks I'm gonna be alone here in Jtown, with all my homies jetting off. Depressionnnn :( At least I'm going to the beach sometime this summer.

4) I'm still sad. Why? Because people in my school are leaving!!! I'll miss you, S!! <3

5) Ok, I'm dry. I have no idea what to put in this list anymore, so I'm ending it.

Hehe ttyt (talk 2 u tomorrow!) I'll tell you guys more things happening or that are on my mind next time. :) Toodles!

Monday 7 June 2010

Never Say Never

Have you ever wanted to accomplish something, tried and found it too hard? In the words of Justin Bieber, the god of high pitched singing (but I still love him!!),


I should follow that. You can't survive school by giving up. Wow I'm such a hypocrite. I have given up trying to make him like me...... I'm not saying names! :) In this blog I'm gonna call him Button.

So my friend (who I'll call Y) thinks Button is a perverted APE. I mean, wasup with that??? Look who's talking! She obsesses over "Shoelaces", who looks like, how would you describe it, like an orangutan with puffy lips. No offence. :D I'm moving on to other people, I just don't know who to like now.

Moving on to more important things, this is my 2nd post. :) I changed the template of my blog and other stuff, with help from my wonderful friend V. SHOUT OUT!!!! I'm gonna try to post something at least once a day, except when I'm on vacation in __________. Hehehe can't tell. ;) ttyl, see u tomorrow.

Welcome To the Mad House!

I'm Nicole and since this summer holiday is kinda boring I made a blog. Pretty cool.... SO. I named the blog down the rabbit hole because I love using that phrase. I got it from a book called, let me think, Down the Rabbit Hole!! By Peter Abrahams. It is a freakin good book. I became an Alice in Wonderland appreciator during the Dance Show in my school, which I was in. These high schoolers made a really long dance routine about Alice in Wonderland and it was really awesome. I wish I could dance as well.

So on friday was a half day and it was the last day of the school year. So many people are leaving!! I'll miss them. I won't say any names to protect their identities (I make it sound like they're in the Witness Protection Program, haha lol, which their not in)

So in this blog i'm gonna write pretty much what ever I feel like!! MWAHAHAHA,

Sorry for the creepy evil bunny pic, i found it on the internet and it's funny. XD