This is my world and it's awesome


Monday 5 July 2010

I'm Ridin Solo

Jason Derulo! Beluga Heights. That's what JD always says at the beggining of his songs! And Akon says "Konvict Muuuusiiic". It's cool beans. XD

Sup foo?

So yesterday I forgot to mention I went shopping in Metro and I bought a bag and an awesome black wallet. Me and mom didn't really plan to shopping that day but since my bro and dad had to buy a few shirts in the men's section and there was a giant sale, we just walked in and started looking in the bags section. I still have to buy dresses for the dances next year! I mean, there's a dance already 2 weeks into the school year. I think. Right? Whatever.

I also FINALLY downloaded Limewire on my laptop. I was texting Y so much because she was guiding me through the whole download and I had no clue where to save it and stuff. They should have instructions in their website!!! Jeezus. I downloaded so many songs into my iPod last night and went to sleep at like, 12 midnight. Also because I was reading Sleepaway Girls, by Jen Calonita for half and hour. The book is so good! It's about this girl named Sam who is 15 years old and she goes to camp for the first time to be a CIT (counselor-in-training) to get away from her BFF Mal,who just got her first boyfriend and Sam didn't wanna watch them be all mushy mushy the summer. SOO GOOD. :)

So today, haven't done much. Listened to my iPod and watched vids on it. I love this really cool by the Jonas Brothers called "Bounce". I know what you're all thinking. The Jonas Sisters??? (JK, me and Y and Ali made it up) But it's really good. They just filmed it in New York and they were in disguise and rapping and dancing. COOL BEANS. Watch. It. It's my current obsession.

Right now, I'm watching E! (I love that channel!!!) and this whole afternoon and right now they're showing Twilight and Rob Pattinson, Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart specials. I'm not really paying attention....Hehe. Earlier I was watching these 4 back-to-back episodes of Wizards of Waverly Place (<3)>

Nothing to talk about now.... Awkward....(Ali and Y say I'm good at making things awkward and funny at the same time... :D) I shuold go now...... BYE!!! Unicorn touch! :)

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