This is my world and it's awesome


Saturday 21 August 2010

Release the Force of LOVE

Sup foo? Thank god it's Saturday. ;)

Life at the moment sucks. Mehh. Hahaha I'm supposed to be finishing math homework, which I WILL finish, right AFTER I finish this post. Sooo updates anyone?

What's happenin'?


You guys (in the group. Yeah I'm talking to YOU!) you need to get to know S before you judge her. Well your choice, just PUH-LEASE don't call her a biatch. She ain't. Haters!

Y, I, J, G and other people in 7th (and 6th) auditioned for the play, Once Upon A Mattress. Dude Y, I hope you get in!! And everyone says G sings really well. I gotta hear this.

GAHHH, we get so much homework!!! It's like they dump all the homework on us in 7th grade and in 6th grade they barely give us any. Grr. >:(

OMG. First dance is this week!! Ahhh IDK what to wear!!!!!!!! I hope SOMEONE asks me to the dance, but he probably won't cos he's going with someone, "AS A FRIEND". Please. CUT THE CRAP. You still like her. The theme of the dance is "Glow In The Dark" and what Y said, I'll probs stick my glow in the dark stickers on my clothes and walk in and DANCE LIKE A MANIAC. I is cool. :)

Y, don't complain!! You're not the one stuck with Mr. R as your PE teacher!!! He makes us do so many warm-ups, makes us run around the track for 5 minutes (in the boiling heat of this country) and makes you do so many sit-ups, push ups and stretches EVERY SINGLE CLASS. I wish I still had Mr. M :( wahhh.

I signed up for Track and Field with Ali!!! Yayy. I know I was complaining just now about Mr. R and his torture of a PE class, but I like running, I just hate doing push-ups, etc, in the heat. Anyways, it's just for a month. Num-nums!!

You would say I would have a bit too much anger in me, HAHA, as Ali and Y would say, their words of wisdom, "Dude. Chill." Actually, I say that too. OHH, I am wisdom-y! Yayyy.

Yeah, so that's pretty much it. Phew, I survived the 1st and 2nd week of school! As Beyonce said:

I'm a survivor, no I won't give up!

K bye!

Glow in the dark starzz. Make a wish!

I wish for...... stuff. Haha. :)

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