This is my world and it's awesome


Sunday 29 August 2010

Bring The Noise ;)

The. Dance. Was. Soo. FUN!

Holy crap, it was like being in a club, the type where you need an I.D. or something, probably because of the strobe lights and the disco ball AND the black light, and all the party music with swear words (yes LMFAO, I'm talkin' to YOU- your song "Shots" is so ADDICTING) Lol, but a school rule is that there has to be at least 6 adults chaperoning us (what, in case we trash the place or something??) Before the dance me, Ali, R and I (I not me hahaha) hung out at Y's house and got ready. We pretty much trashed Y's room with outfit rejects and makeup (TEEHEE) then we went to school. We didn't wanna get out of the car cos we thought we looked too formal and there were hot high schoolers with 6 packs who just had soccer practice, so we chickened out and told Y's driver to keep going round and round the campus nearby. Then we finally got out. Actually no one stared at us. Woops...

When we got the Little Theater where the dance was being held, we were there early!! So we hung out with K and N. And N has this awesome green laser light that you could shine into peoples apartments like a mile away, the must have been so FREAKED out. Then the doors opened and people had to sign in and then we were kinda shy for a while, we didn't go on the stage yet, and I gave my cardigan and wallet to Mr. M (he's so cool) to put away so I could dance with free hands oh yeah!

Then we all went wild and kept jumping and dancing and (UGH) while I was dancing Pop guys, including Button (my ex-C) was making fun of the way we were dancing. You know arms over our heads and all. Well it was only Button that was making fun of me F*** that a-hole! But the other guys (S, that weirdoooo) kept jumping with us. Me and my friends practically danced the whole night except for during the slow songs (NO ONE ASKED MEEEE :( ) and twice I had to go outside and get a drink. Was so funnnn! Afterwards me and Ali slept over at Y's and had fun tooo. :) Ali styled my hair and she said it looks better with a side part but IDK......

And earlier me and my fam were eating in one of our fave Italian restaurants and guess who I saw there? Button and his blonde hotness. *sigh* He haunts me. But I don't like him. I like the Unknown Guy. Well unknown to you. OHH.

I G2G yooo, imma finish my science hw, and right now me and Ali are making fun of Jersey Shore while texting. The people in Jersey Shore are Oompa Loompa's, slutty orange people that work for the amazing tanning factory!!! Well they don't really but they are so obsessed with spray tans that they should!

See ya, ttyl. :)

Saturday 21 August 2010

Release the Force of LOVE

Sup foo? Thank god it's Saturday. ;)

Life at the moment sucks. Mehh. Hahaha I'm supposed to be finishing math homework, which I WILL finish, right AFTER I finish this post. Sooo updates anyone?

What's happenin'?


You guys (in the group. Yeah I'm talking to YOU!) you need to get to know S before you judge her. Well your choice, just PUH-LEASE don't call her a biatch. She ain't. Haters!

Y, I, J, G and other people in 7th (and 6th) auditioned for the play, Once Upon A Mattress. Dude Y, I hope you get in!! And everyone says G sings really well. I gotta hear this.

GAHHH, we get so much homework!!! It's like they dump all the homework on us in 7th grade and in 6th grade they barely give us any. Grr. >:(

OMG. First dance is this week!! Ahhh IDK what to wear!!!!!!!! I hope SOMEONE asks me to the dance, but he probably won't cos he's going with someone, "AS A FRIEND". Please. CUT THE CRAP. You still like her. The theme of the dance is "Glow In The Dark" and what Y said, I'll probs stick my glow in the dark stickers on my clothes and walk in and DANCE LIKE A MANIAC. I is cool. :)

Y, don't complain!! You're not the one stuck with Mr. R as your PE teacher!!! He makes us do so many warm-ups, makes us run around the track for 5 minutes (in the boiling heat of this country) and makes you do so many sit-ups, push ups and stretches EVERY SINGLE CLASS. I wish I still had Mr. M :( wahhh.

I signed up for Track and Field with Ali!!! Yayy. I know I was complaining just now about Mr. R and his torture of a PE class, but I like running, I just hate doing push-ups, etc, in the heat. Anyways, it's just for a month. Num-nums!!

You would say I would have a bit too much anger in me, HAHA, as Ali and Y would say, their words of wisdom, "Dude. Chill." Actually, I say that too. OHH, I am wisdom-y! Yayyy.

Yeah, so that's pretty much it. Phew, I survived the 1st and 2nd week of school! As Beyonce said:

I'm a survivor, no I won't give up!

K bye!

Glow in the dark starzz. Make a wish!

I wish for...... stuff. Haha. :)

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Fashion Geeks Are Welcome

Hello my loyal friends! This is N speaking. Today is a HOLIDAYYY!!! Dayum straight! *finger snap* It's Independence Day of ______. Can't tell due to the fact that there are stalkers out there.

Fashion. I'm amazed at how so many people in this world can dress so well! Examples:

Acne Top, Vintage Leather Shorts

Holy CHEESE, that girl is just FASHION from head to toe.

Vintage Woven Shoes from Thrift Shop, Vintage Woven Belt from Bangkok, D.i.y. Pearl & Charm Necklace from Made It Myself, Vintage Yacht Vintage Flowy Skirt from

Her TOO!!! Jeezus, INSTANT JEALOUSY. Get my drift?

Why do you ask, am I talking about fashion? Because the new girl S dresses so well!! Her 1st day here she wore a slouchy grey shirt with studs on the side of the sleeves and a racerback tank top showing in the back, pairing it with shorts and Converse. Doesn't that just SCREAM "Style, Style, STYLE???" I'm green from the J word just thinking about it. And seriously, she's so cool and nice, I don't get why R is so mean to her and thinks she's bitchy?!!! Don't freakin' judge a book by it's cover gurl friend! *mean look and finger snap in the Z formation* PWN! Get to know her first.

R went to my house yesterday and we did homework! Oh yeah, we actually got a lot done. Unlike last year we only talked and talked and only managed to do like 3 questions. HAHA.

Umm, umm, anywayzz....

Ali keeps saying that Pretty Little Liars (TV show) is freaking amazing! I really gotta watch it, it's on my To-Do List. Coolio.

The problems in The Group, have they been resolved?? Guys, I think we all need to talk cos SOME of you aren't being fair to the others in the group. We need to rendezvous (meet at) the Hut and we need to talk. NOW. Well not now now, but when we meet at school tomorrow. I'm serious. I asked H while we were chatting for advice.

KK, gotta go! Bye :)


N (credits to Ali for the XOXO)


It's raining really hard right now!! How am I supposed to get a decent soil sample that's not mud for Science???? Grrr.

Saturday 14 August 2010

Aren't You Tardy to the Party?? :)

Heyyy?! So 7th grade... where to begin? I kinda like 6th grade better. In 7th it's so chaotic like the schedule and the lockers (I mean, can you believe that my class got the tiny lockers that can't even fit a BINDER??? And everyone else got the big ones that could fit bags!!! And Y got a big even though her class is even farther from the big ones!!!!) and I signed up for Drama this year and got Visual Art and Design Art!!! They gave the Drama classes to the new kids!!! UGHHHH. Well I don't wanna change my Art's cos Ms. Bammi is like super smart and she's pretty interesting. And other reasons.... So yeahhhh.

Yesterday, which was Friday and school started on Wednesday (weird, right? It's in the middle of the week! And the start of the Muslims fasting, so they're gonna have headaches in class) there was this new girl in my home room (Mr. M's class- he's soo funny I have him for Science too with R) And her name's is S. She's pretty and she's from Mexico. Everyone in the group says she's just average but that's what they think, those foolzz. JKJK. :) She was in my PE class and I chatted her up and made friends. Mr. R told me to help her with her PE locker and it just clicked i guess. After PE I had to go to D'Toko to buy supplies for class and I told N and K to bring her to our group's hut. They said that she was acting all pissed-off and stuff but I don't know maybe she was just tired or shy. But she's cool.

PAG class (Math class. Pre-Algebra and Geometry. Ohhh I is Proffessor!!!) is pretty cool. We had to do these rad intelligence surveys. I nicknamed my class FAG class, not to be mean just cos it rhymes! :D

Also, is any one of you FOOLZ reading my blog??? If you are comment. Well I know Ali is and probs Y, but idk bout the rest of you dudes. Also, I think R, you've given up your blog or something!!! The last time you blogged was last month!!! Weirdozzzz. Lol jkjk. :P

Gotta go, K-bye!

OMG these cupcakes are so CUTTTEEE!!!! Cupcakes are awesome and they will take over your stomach!!!! We got cupcakes on the 1st day of school, hahaha.

Sunday 8 August 2010

Save Yo' Drama For Yo' Mama

OMG HEYY!!! It's been a while fools! So sup? I went to Jogja for the weekend!! I know, kinda late but that was the only time my dad was free. Let's just say I got really tired from walking around the temples I visited. I went to Borobudur and Prambanan temple (the grounds were huge!!!) and the Sultan's palace. In Prambanan and Borobudur it looked kinda like Ankor Wat in Cambodia. There was deer in Prambanan, they were fenced in and stuff. They are soooo CUTE. I bought a wooden bracelet and a necklace in this crafts village, they're pretty.

SOOO... Updates?

1) I haven't bought any dresses yet!!! I am hopeless. But I bought skirts. That's a start, right????

2) One of my wishes came true!!! I can't tell you what it is though..... SHHH. :) Just ask me if you wanna know so bad. I know something you don't know...... :D

3) School starts in 3 days!!! OMG, I'm so excited!!!! Summer was kinda fast even though it was kinda boring sometimes. I'm ready school. Buh-ring it!

4) I have a plan for school. It's secret! HAHA, I'm sorry, I know I'm being mean. HAHA in yo' face!!! JKJKJK!!!

5) IDK what to wear on the 1st day!!!! I made a prep list for some reason.... lol.

6) OMG, I forgot to tell you guys, I watched Despicable Me with N at Senayan Plaza on Monday!!! It. Was. So. AWKWARD!!!! Sorry N, but I think you think that too!!!!

7) I've been watching a lot of Glee dvd's with my mom lately. Yeahhh, just thought you should know that little bit of info......

8) K and Nick broke up!!!! I just needed to get that out. I'm so sorry K. You ok? See ya in 7th grade!

9) Reina came back from Myanmar!!! I went to her house before I went to Jogja. She redecorated her room! It's so cool. My room is so empty. :(

10) I got a haircut!!! It's shorter now and it has layers. It's pretty awesome yo. :P

THE LIST: Of movies I watched this summer

  • Toy Story 3 (5 stars)
  • Inception (3 stars)
  • Despicable Me (4 stars)
  • Salt (5 stars)
  • Eclipse (5 stars!!! Taylor Lautner {and abs} you. Make. Me. Drool.
  • Knight and Day (5 stars!!! So good!)
KK, I should go now!!! Buh-bye. 7th grade here I come, foolz!!!

Justin Bieber will always be my imaginary boyfriend. Omg. Did I just say that out loud?