This is my world and it's awesome


Saturday 18 September 2010

You're Silence is Louder Words

HOLY CRAP WHY IS THERE SO MANY PROBLEMS ABOUT THE GROUP??!?! It all has stuff to do with, you know, the usual fighting and bitching between A and R, L and K. I love all you guys but can you just PLEASE stop fighting! Freaking FORGIVE and FORGET! P.S., Happy B-day L!!! I'll get you a present. Soon. :)

Something really awesome happened to me and has something to do with The Guy. The Guy likes me!! Ahh dreams do come true. ;) So keep on dreaming you spazz asses out there! (spazz ass= the word me and Ali use. Actually words. No offense it's just our word for home dawg) The Guy thinks I'm awesome but not amazingly pretty :|

Pause. Woah it's nearly 11:25 PM. HAHA. Not funny but just felt like writing that. Seriously this whole freakin trio of A haters that always seem so detached from the rest of the group and always love to hate people in the group. Seriously, why would you guys hate S just cos she looks "bitchy"? You don't even know her, OK? And you guys should really talk to the rest of us more. You're always only talking to one another saying mean stuff about people, even about me sometimes, I bet. If you guys keep doing that, you're gonna lose A LOT of friends. Trust me, you have my word. It will happen if you keep pushing the rest of us away from your little clique. Just forget the stuff that happened in the past. You guys (in the trio) don't have to be friends with A. And stop trying to drag the rest of us down into hating her because she is my friend, and you guys are my friends too. I just want you guys to just STOP FIGHTING. Please, don't get mad at me for saying this but A LOT of people in the group have been wanting to say that for a long time.

My Top Songs Of the Moment:

Fancy Footwork, by Chromeo
A Year Without Rain, by Selena Gomez
Written In The Stars, by Tinie Tempah ft. Eric Turner
Beautiful Monster, by Ne-Yo
Secrets, by The Pierces
Miss Nothing, by The Pretty Reckless (I know it's kinda old but it's stuck in my head!)

So thanks for listening you guys! Bye.


R, please, please don't get mad at us for telling you this because I think you know it's the truth.

Monday 13 September 2010

You're the Devil in disguise

"It's not fair and I think you're really mean."

The Guy, of course, is TOTALLY in love with one of my friends. That sounds exactly like it came out of a TV drama, but to tell you the truth, it's happening in real life. Yet again, another dude has broken my heart. This really, really sucks. I really wanna start a Lonely Hearts Club, just like this girl did in a book I read recently. I mean, The Guy doesn't even care who knows who he likes. Hell, even my Art teacher knows. God dammit, I hate life so much sometimes. Not to be Emo Elmo or anything, but seriously it does suck. Life is a hard event to go through at times. Wow. Do you know how much of a psychiatrist I sound right now???? Also, have you noticed that the most written about, sung about, FELT emotion in this world is (drum roll please) LOVE. Say it with me, L-O-V-E. Do you know how much pain that word makes when I think about it?


So updates?

The picnic was FUN! Way, way, wayy better than the one last year. I got soooo sun burnt because for the whole day me and my friend's were in the pool, there were countless chicken fights (A, I beat you BAD!) and we played this game where everyone was just tossing the soccer ball at each other and whenever B got the ball he would't let go and everyone would crowd around him, on top of him and screaming their hearts (hearts. Noo. Bad word), I mean their lungs, out. It was really funny. Played a bit of soccer with S, M (the other M. The new M, NOT the bitch M) and N in the grass near our temporary hut/table. Had the usual food, pizza and French fries. Yum. I was so red the next day!

g2g, talk to you guys soon! Bye :)

Thursday 2 September 2010

Picnic With A Zebra

Yo? Hey! Just to start off this post, is ANYONE reading this blog?!?!? Comment if you are! Moving on.... Updates?


Tomorrow my grade is having a "picnic" and it's called a retreat. We're gonna swim, have fun, etc. I hope it IS fun because the one last year SUCKED. :|

OMG, in Spanish me and the Unknown Guy were flirting so much!!! XD It was so fun but it was really embarrassing when J and N kept making hearts with their fingers from across the room and the teacher was busy so she didn't see. Lol, but it was really funny. The Unknown Guy (I'll call him UG for short) was sitting next to me because we had to finish our paragraphs about ourselves and we could sit anywhere. And he sat next to moi! He was staring at me with his cute face and all and he poked my arm and he was like "Eww is that your bone?!" and he kept poking it. That part was weird, yeahhh. Our elbows were touching and he didn't move it. :D

But of course, it's not a happy ending (it never is for me) He likes S. The new girl that I made friends with and now hangs out with us. It's SO NOT FREAKIN FAIR, most. of. the. guys. in. school. LIKE HER!! And she's only been here, what, like 3 weeks?!?! Grrr. But it's not her fault. I mean, she doesn't even like anyone at my school. SUCK IT UNKNOWN GUY. >:(

Ali, stay tuned and read this blog, I'm gonna update you as much as I can while you're away. Miss ya locker bud!

So in the school play ( the one Y is in) a lot of people are quitting, like T, who had so many lines but he quit because like everyone else in the play, they think it's BORING. And it takes up too much of their free time.

Student Council. Who will I vote for???


*Credits to Ali and Y for SOME of the songs. Thank you home dawgs.

Fave songs at the moment:

Shots, by LMFAO
Teach Me How To Dougie, by California Swag District
My First Kiss, by 3OH!3 ft.Kesha (me and Unknown Guy keep singing it. It's our anthem. Is that a SIGN???? Tee hee, JKJK)
The Ketchup Song, by Las Ketchup (Spanish class. Holy crap memories. The song is in Spanish so we were singing and dancing it)
Futuristic Lover, by Katy Perry
Like A G6, by The Far East Movement (I LOVE THIS SONG!!! It's really catchy <3)
Starry Eyed, by Ellie Goulding (love. it.)

So yeah gotta go, K bye! :)

Cool. I Need To Try This With Someone. =D

This is SO cool. XD